Document Type : Descriptive



Governmental organizations, in line of their development and growth) should strive to make appropriate mechanisms to present high-quality services to people so that they arisen from the society's needs, values and beliefs. Utilizing the deep and traditional concepts of humanized in governmental organizations and humanizing the organizations can be a new and modern face of governmental organizations that facilitate presenting high quality services and achieving people's satisfaction. The research is an applied research and in terms of methodology, is a survey research that has been compiled by mixing humanized model of professor Pirnia and organizational model of Leavitt and with 16 hypotheses. Statistical sample included 32 of experts of management area and governmental organizations. Results indicated that all hypotheses were confirmed and elements of humanization in governmental organizations were recognized and ranked. Therefore, each concept of humanization can be utilized in organizational dimensions and has indices that considering them, organizations can make themselves humanized and as a result, gain satisfaction and happiness of customers and clients. At the end, based on the results, the organizational humanized model has been compiled in an applied method and some solutions have been offered for implementing the model.


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