Document Type : Descriptive



Choosing an integrated approach and an applied viewpoint to the topic of organizational inertia, present research has tries to answer the basic questions that why organizations use very repetitive methods and procedures in handling the affaires and problem solving. The aim of present research is to analyze the meaning of organizational inertia and studying effective factors on it in governmental organizations. Data was gathered by using research quantitative approaches specially survey approach and correlation examination and also a questionnaire from governmental organizations established in Semnan City through utilizing classified sampling method and was analyzed. Results show that the very important effective factors on inertia are knowledge inertia. Knowledge inertia, that included two dimensions of learning inertia and experience inertia, has direct impact on every three dimensions of organizational inertia i.e. insight inertia, action inertia and psychological inertia. Results also indicated that the knowledge absorptive capacity of organizations moderator the relationship between knowledge inertia and organizational inertia. At the end, practical solutions have been presented for going out of inertia situation in governmental organizations.


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