Document Type : Descriptive


1 Associate Professor of Public Management, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran

2 Professor of Management, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

3 PhD of Human Resource Management, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran


In 21st century, creating strategic advantage in business requires a new type of organization that have the ability of knowledge creation to maximize strategic success and organizational competitiveness. This study is intended to identify effective concepts on designing a knowledge-based organization in national broadcasting according to the predicted strategy in horizon of national media and necessity to be knowledge-based. For this reason, the mentioned concepts was extracted in present applied-development research and then, put in consensus in environment of national broadcasting through Delphi method and by presence of 40 people of academic professors and experts of national broadcasting (20 ones in academic experts group and 20 ones in national broadcasting's expert group). 22 main concepts of knowledge-based organizations –that were extracted from the subject literature- were put in consensus of Delphi panel members by three rounds of voting and adding four new concepts; at the end, 26 concepts/variables were selected as the ultimate dimensions of knowledge-based organization in national broadcasting. Results showed that in viewpoint of members of Delphi panel, knowledge-based perspective and purpose, knowledge sharing culture, strategy based on knowledge and knowledge management system have the highest impact on making national broadcasting as a knowledge-based organization and decentralized structure with low formality and without borders, control and assessment based on knowledge and media occupational culture have the lowest impact on it.


Main Subjects

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