Document Type : Exploratory


Professor of Public Administration, School of Management, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran; Chief of Iranian Public Administration Association


Social systems are known as one of the most complex system and their management is an important and challenging job. Specially if a wise oriented theory could be a strong support for government's actions and interventions. So presenting governance theory in interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary circumference for supporting government and administration style is necessary. Because government is not only multidimensional feature,but also faced territories for its interventions in many complex and various arenas. The important point is that, government interventions need theorethical supports, and this theoretical support could not configurate comprehensivly and clearly in none of the Politics Economics, Social sciences or Management school. This article has been written to emphasize the compasses and diversity of correct actions of government, with the aim of integrated administration theory configuration for guidance of governance and elucidation of action path way for three branches of government. We can consider the necessity of this school in light of many real story that distinguish correct narrations from incorrect ones about mission of public administration discipline.


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