Document Type : Exploratory


Professor of Organizational Behavior Management, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran


This article focuses on non-compliance to the law and creating commotion by some clients of governmental organizations in order to achieve their personal goals. The purpose of this article is to explain this widespread and emerging problem in the form of a theory known as Commotion-Goal Theory. To design a conceptual framework, the grounded theory was used. Data collection instruments consisted of "exploratory interviews" and "observation". 14 of the managers had at least five years of work experience were selected for interview. For choice of them the purposive sampling and snowball method was used. Also 9 of anarchic clients of some organization were observed and semi-structured interviews were conducted with them. The adequacy of the sample was achieved by theoretical saturation. Over two rounds, the creditability of model was discussed by "focus group" of 12 elites and theoreticians. The designated framework for Ccommotion-Goal Theory is supported literature. The results indicate that 5 factors affects commotion-seeking behavior and 7 intervening variable either strengthens or weakens goal achievement via commotion.  According to the results, managers can adopt two approaches to control commotion: improving and removing causal factors of commotion and controlling intervening variables. Finally, to test the proposed framework and the applicability of the theory, certain hypotheses are proposed to be tested by other researchers.


Main Subjects

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