Document Type : Descriptive


1 Assistant Professor of Management, University of Lorestan, Iran Khorramabad

2 Ph.D. Student of Management, University of Lorestan, Iran Khorramabad


Organization or workplace as a social phenomenon could have anomaly, irregularity that theoretically this phenomenon is called organizational anomie. This study aims to identify and prioritize the factors causing organizational anomia in organizations was conducted. This research is combines methods and the type of research is the study of deductive and inductive. The study population consisted 25 manager of Khorramabad organizations. In this study, using a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods, first with use of qualitative data obtained from exploratory studies included exploratory literature review and interviews exploring the causes of organizational anomia have been identifyed. Second By extracting their agents through research survey data are evaluated. The results are Including tow parts, first a series of organizational inertia causes are identified and second the importance and priority of these factors are determined. The results show that The inability of the organization to show their actual values, lack of shared norms at work, the negative attitude of employees towards their jobs, poorly performing staff socialization process, lack of meritocracy in the organization, discrimination in the organization, lack of management commitment to the values of the organization are the main causes of organizational anomie.


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