Document Type : Descriptive



Organizational development is a systematic, logical, integrated, and planned approach that is used to increase organizational effectiveness. This approach is influenced by psychological factors, one of these factors, self-esteem and its dimensions. The present study aimed to Relationship the organizational development with self-esteem and their dimensions at staff PNU, Kurdistan Province. Using applied methods, we employed survey research and correlation analyses. The target population of the present study was the entire staff of PNU, Kurdistan province, who were168 people. Using the Based on single-stage cluster sampling method; the sample size of the study was estimated to be 119 people. The findings of the current studyindicated that there is a significant and positive relationship between overall self-esteem, academic self-esteem and the organizational development.On the other hand, the results showed that there is no significant relationship between familial self-esteem, social self-esteem and organizational development.The results also indicated that there is no significant relationship between male and female staff’s self-esteem and their organizational development. With regard to the results, it can be stated that self-esteem is the most important variables and organizational development coordinator. As a result, to achieve desired organizational development, appropriate training to enhance self-esteem among staff can be considered a high priority for intervention.


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