Document Type : Survey


Associate Professor, Department of Public Administration (Human Resources), Amin University of Enforcement Sciences, Tehran, Iran.


The aim of this study was to develop a comprehensive model for job Anchorages of employees of the General Office of Deeds and Real Estate. This research is a combination of data-based type in terms of purpose, applied-development and research method. The statistical population of the research is the employees in the quantitative department, the employees of the General Office of Deeds and Real Estate of the country, whose number is 488 people. According to which, 153 people were selected based on Cochran's formula as a statistical sample and by relative stratified random sampling method. In the qualitative method, sampling was targeted non-randomly until it reached the saturation point in the experts section. In the qualitative section, field method and interview tools were used to extract the factors affecting the job anchors of employees. In the quantitative part, after extracting the components of the employees' job anchors through interviews; Questionnaires were prepared and distributed among employees. The obtained data were used in the qualitative part of content analysis using software MAXQDA and in the quantitative part of structural equation model and SmartPLS software. The results showed that the causal factors affecting employee innovation including organizational, extra-organizational, individual and national factors should be sought. Also, according to the experts of this research, the central category can be considered equivalent to innovation in organizational structure, education, research, human capital, technology and equipment.


Main Subjects

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