Document Type : Exploratory


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Lorestan, Lorestan University, Iran.

2 Mcs Student, Department of Business Management, University of Ilam, Ilam, Iran.


One of the main duties of managers in organizations is to select and appoint people to key positions, and in some cases, managers put weaker people in key and main positions in order to protect their management seats. This type of management style is known as spider management and creates strategic challenges for the organization. The main goal of this research is to identify the antecedents and consequences of spider management in government organizations. The current research is an exploratory qualitative research, which is thematic analysis in terms of data analysis method. The statistical population of this research includes experts and experts in the field of human resources management in government organizations and university professors who are familiar with the research topic. Using the snowball sampling method, 18 people were selected. The main tool of data collection in this research is a semi-structured interview. The results showed that a total of 14 organizing themes in the form of 14 universal themes were identified as antecedents of spider management in government organizations and also 10 organizing themes in the form of 3 pervasive themes were identified as suffixes of spider management in government organizations. The results of the theme analysis showed that the antecedents of spider management in government organizations are: government of incompetents, work politics, governance of destructive culture and collective corruption. The consequences of spider management in government organizations include: the cycle of inefficiency, the vicious circle of incompetence and the weakening of psychological security.


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