Document Type : Descriptive



 The purpose of this study is to investigate solutions to improvement of social, political, technical and administrative feasibility and assessment of the government's public policies in area of high education through evidence-based policy making approach.  In terms of methodology, this study is a survey (non-experimental) one. The data was collected through a questionnaire. Results from analysis of collected data from 140 policy makers and higher education experts revealed that utilizing statistical evidence in compiling, executing and evaluating the government's policies in area of higher education makes improvement of political, technical and administrative feasibility and assessment of these policies. Moreover, lack of up-to-dated information and statistical evidence, difficult access to them, lack of on-time statistics' broadcasting, incomprehensible produced statistics, and lack of possibility of comparing available statistic with previous ones and etc. are the most important problems and difficulties of utilizing statistical evidence-based policy making approach.


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