Document Type : Exploratory


1 PhD Student, Department of Public Administration, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Department of Public Administration, Payam-e Noor University, Tehran, Iran. 3. Associate Professor,

3 Associate Professor, Department of Business Administration, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.



A The purpose of the current research is to design and explain the future research model of the attitudebank employees in terms job security in the face of blockchain in the horizon of 2031. In the first stage (qualitative part) of the current research, based on the studies, the future research factors and drivers of the attitude bank employees in terms job security in the face of blockchain in the horizon 2031 have been identified. After identifying the indicators, coding and theming was done. After that, indicators and dimensions were selected based on the opinion of experts. Then these dimensions were distributed among the experts in questionnaire format. In the following, the self-interaction matrix, the initial achievement matrix and the final achievement matrix were determined and the leveling the dimensions was done and finally the model was presented. In the quantitative part, the fitthe measurement models the structural model and the general model was done. Understanding the usefulness by employees, understanding easy use, employee's behavioral intentions, beliefs, norms, values and cultures, preparing and updating infrastructure, cost, financial and banking market structure, technical problems and benefits of blockchain on the attitude of bank employees. In terms of job security, they affect blockchain. In addition, the benefits of blockchain with the highest significance coefficient have the greatest direct impact on the understanding of usefulness by employees. Also, the blockchain benefits index makes the employees understand the usefulness and the employee's behavioral intention of the blockchain, which is the most influential indicator in the attitude of the bank employees in terms of job security in facing the blockchain in the horizon of 2031


Main Subjects