Document Type : Exploratory


1 PhD Student in Business Management, Ajabshir Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ajabshir, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor of Management, Ajabshir Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ajabshir, Iran.

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran.



Impulse buying refers to buying based on feeling excitement,pleasure without planning and checking opinions (Ahmad & Waiq, 2013).The purpose of research is designing a sociological process model of impulse buying and determining its influencing moderating and mediating factors through a mixed method. For this purpose in the qualitative part, sociological dimensions and effective components were extracted and then the initial model was designed. in the quantitative part, the obtained model and the hypotheses were tested via confirmatory factor analysis and structural equations.Through Cochran's formula, 80 people were selected a. in the qualitative section ,via the analysis of CASP 153 research entered the analysis stage. 61 codes were extracted from the texts and then the selected codes were entered into the MaxQDA software for encoding. then 15 distinct concepts were identified .After the integration. Theoretical validity was used to measure validity and Cohen's Kappa index was used to measure reliability. The coefficient of Cohen's kappa for the research model was 0.779 at a significance level of 0.000 and its significance was confirmed. Then, in order to test the model, 80 questionnaires were distributed . Finally, among the obtained dimensions, public environment (with 6 sub-themes) as an independent variable, trends (with 7 sub-themes) as moderators, influential persons and social norms (with 6 sub-themes) as mediating variables on purchasing. Impulsivity (with 7 features) was effective. The results indicated that all the hyphosesis and their relationships were confirmed, and the process and type of relationships of this variable were obtained in the final model.


Main Subjects