Document Type : Causal


1 Associate Professor. Department of Human Resources Management, AJA University of Command and Staff, Tehran, Iran.

2 Msc, Department of Human Resources Management, AJA University of Command and Staff Tehran, Iran.


Lack of identity involves employees of the organization with disorders such as; Low self-confidence, depression, anxiety, limited career advancement, low work concentration, etc. Therefore, the manuscript seeks identifying the key factors which play a role in the employees’ identitylessness and mapping possible scenarios for managing this crisis in military organizations. This is an applied research which has been carried by descriptive-causal method. The statistical population includes expert managers of HRM in one of the military organizations with at least a master's degree, which 25 people were selected by purposeful. Data were collected by two library-field methods. For this purpose, after carrying out library studies and determining the key factors affecting the identity crisis of employees, a questionnaire was prepared to evaluate the effectiveness and effectiveness of key factors to map possible scenarios in the crisis management of employee identitylessness. The validity of the questionnaire was confirmed using the content method as well as reliability by retest method at another time and correlation between the tests (0/73). The systematic review illustrated the effective factors in the crisis of identitylessness are classified into two general categories, individual and environmental. In addition, to simulate the collected data, four scenarios were selected and simulated. The results indicated the increase in the individual's success, positive changes in the economic situation, the decrease in the use of social media, and the emergence of good personality traits lead to an increase in the percentage of people's identity acquisition and, as a result, a decrease in the incidence of identity crisis and the management of identity crisis will be. At the end, solutions for managing the crisis of identity among the employees were presented.


Main Subjects

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