Document Type : Descriptive



Productivity of Public sector has been considered as one of the most important and challenging issue in general affairs administration and public management literature from a long time ago. Managers and policy makers have been looking for solutions to enhance the public sector's productivity. productivity has been also emphasized in our country's policies and strategic plans but until now there has not been any research in the area of identifying strategies and policies to promote the public sector productivity; all efforts are limited to studyor measure the impact of some factors on the public sector's productivity and identifying mechanisms of the promotion of the public sector's productivity has been neglected.
The present study aimed to identify mechanisms to enhance the public sector's productivity and study the gap between current and desirable situation of these mechanisms. This study hasbeen conducted using a mixed method and exploratory approach.
At the first stage, through interviews with managers, experts and authorities of public sector, it was engaged with mining mechanisms to enhance public sector's productivity and then, results of the interviews were analyzed by Grounded Theory analysis method. The mechanisms of promoting the public sector's productivity were classified in four categories: cultural, technological, economic and political-legal divisions. After that,at the second stage, a questionnaire including 25 mechanisms in 4 categories was designedvia combining the obtained mechanisms from the research literature and the interviews and it was measured in two ranges of the current and desired situation.Results indicated that there is a significant gapin Utilization of the mechanisms of public sectors' productivitybetween current and desired status in 23 organizations out of Tehran public service organizations.


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