Document Type : Descriptive



Strategic thinking is considered as an appropriate approach to form organization's strategy in present changing and unpredictable environment and makes managers able to distinguish which factors are effective on achieving the considered goals and which of them are not and that why and how effective factors create value for clients. The produced insight helps recognizing success critical factors through strategic thinking and the issue leads ultimately creating stable competitive advantage for organizations. The aim of present research is to study the relationship between the strategic approach of human resource retaining system and employees' organizational commitment through investigating the impact of variables such as organizational support, organizational culture, organizational justice and supplying superior needs. The research is a descriptive one in terms of goal and it has been done by a survey strategy in viewpoint of method. The statistical universe of the study includes 2023 employees at Zahedan municipality from that a sample of 324 people has been selected using Morgan table. In order to gather data, questionnaires with the validity of 0.89, designed by researcher, were used. SPSS and Lisrel software and also Pearson correlation, Friedman and path analysis tests have been used to analyze data. The obtained results indicate that there is a significant and positive relationship between the strategic approach of human resource retaining system and employees' organizational commitment.


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