Document Type : Descriptive



Cynicism about organizational change is defined as pessimistic viewpointon successfulness of change efforts that can be a barrier to success of change plans. Present research aims to study cynicism about organizational change in PNU of Markazi province besides paying attention to environmental and personality traits factors. The serious important factors that are identified as cynicism incentive are hostile personality, violation of psychological contract, organizational justice and participation in decision making. It is supposed that the first and second variables have positive effect and other two variables have negative effect on the phenomenon of cynicism about organizational change. Results of structural equation model among 143 employees of PNU in Markazi province indicated that all four variables have significant impact on phenomenon of cynicism about organizational change and generally can explain 61 percent of variance of cynicism about organizational change. In addition, research finding showed that the most negative significant effect is allocated to procedural justice and the most positive significant


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