Document Type : Descriptive



In present paper, storytelling organization model has been evaluated in electricity industry. The research is an applied research and 14 hypotheses have been studied in this respect. Managers and experts of Tavanir Company (specialized holding company responsible for management of generation, transmission and distribution of electric power in Iran) were selected as statistical universe; the universe has a total population of 183 and statistical sample included 150 people selected by random sampling method and using Morgan table. In present research, the tool for gathering data was questionnaire that was designed and credit scored by using determined factors in storytelling organization model. The questionnaire was in the form of five-likert spectrum and its reliability was calculated as 0.83 by Cronbach's Alpha. Testing hypotheses specified that among 14 available relationship, 13 of them are significant statistically and one remain relationship is not significant at 95% confidence level (the second hypothesis: relationship between structure and culture and organizational relationships). In this manner, the examined model for storytelling organization (operational model) is presented. The results emphasized that to implement storytelling organization model in electricity industry, structure and culture should be charged to fortify their relationship with organizational relationship and values. In the research, factor analysis test, path analysis test and structural equations test and regression test have been utilized by SPSS and Lisrel software. At the end, some recommendations are offered based on the results.


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