Document Type : Descriptive



Based on the last completed research by leadership and strategy magazine, Strategic management is identified as the most utilized managerial tool by polling about 90% of votes. This is while in the opinion of connoisseurs, using available models of strategic management is not appropriate due to differences between for profit organizations and governmental –public organizations. The aim of this research is to design strategy formulation processing model of governmental organizations in uncertainty conditions and based on network governance paradigm, using qualitative analysis and interpretive-structural modeling that finally came in form of diagram and processing model. In this respect, sampling was done in systematic method. Selecting statistical sample was done among experts and specialists. The main criteria of selecting experts were theoretic domination, practical experience, intention and ability of involvement in research and accessibility. At the end, the research results have been drawn and organized as prescriptive processing model. This processing model shows the access path to strategy of governmental organization in uncertainty conditions and based on network governance step by step.


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