Document Type : Descriptive



Many background factors impress the failure or success of a project such as parent organizations. Parent organizations have different functions in front of its under-consideration projects that some of them are value creation and some are value destruction. This issue explains the importance of recognition of parent companies communication way to its subset projects. In this research that has done in two phases and based on mixed approach (quantitative and qualitative), at the first phase, it was tried to specify the parent organization communication way to projects by studying on 6 active-governmental project-oriented organization in oil industry and interview with 21 of top managers and project managers. According to the results of this phase, value creation function included supporting, central services and resources, integrating and synergy actions. On the other hand, value destruction function included value destruction functions arising from supporting,  value destruction functions arising from resource presentation and central services (overhead costs), value destruction functions arising from synergy actions (resource scarcity) and value destruction functions arising from integrating actions (complexity). At the second phase of the research, studying 8 organizations out of 10 active project-oriented oil companies in Tehran, these functions were prioritized using survey method, the questionnaire and statistical sampling methods.


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