Document Type : Descriptive



Hospitals are one of the organizations susceptible to organizational trauma due to their special nature of the activities. In traumized organizations, the atmosphere of disappointment and depression is dominant. Employees and managers lose their job motivation and the organization's concentration on meeting customers' needs will lessen. If organizational trauma doesn't lessen, the organization will lead to death and nullity. The aim of present research is to identify effective factors on creation of organizational trauma in viewpoint of business elements and presenting necessary solutions to decrease this damaging phenomenon. It is a descriptive survey research in which 5 hypotheses were examined through 63 questions in a questionnaire. To analyze data, SPSS software (version 22) and PLS software package (version 3) have been used. The obtained results indicated that in Khatamolanbia Hospital, the most important factors in creating organizational trauma are environmental and goal in a row. 


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