Document Type : Descriptive


1 Ph.D Student of Public Administration, Payame Noor University

2 Professor of Public Management, Payame Noor University

3 Proffesor of Public Administration, Allameh Tabataba’i University


Tend to designing and explaining domestic models in the human science area, is the truth that everybody accept. Then, designing the model of Jahadi Organization is the target of this research. For this purpose, in this research various qualitative and quantitative methods are exploited to design and verify this model. In this research, the model of Jahadi Organization is designed based on three steps as concept related literature review, semi-structured interviews and Delphi method. In the first step, based on Jahadi Organization related literature review, primary indicators of model were detected. At second step, based on semi-structured interviews by 10 Jahadi expert and based on the model assumptions, primary model of Jahadi Organization was designed. At third step, based on three rounds of Delphi method between 15 panel experts, the model of Jahadi Organization was verified. As a result, the model of jahadi Organization was designed by three dimensions (structural dimension, behavioral dimension and content dimension), 12 pillars and 37 indicators.


Main Subjects

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