Document Type : Exploratory


Assistant Professor of Public Administration, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran


Democracy is not only limited to political structures but including establishing it in the whole society, its structures and organizations. Organizational democracy is necessary and vital to achieve democratic ideals such as individual independence, social liberty, freedom of expression and participation in all issues that affect citizens' life. The aim of present research is to achieve effective factors on establishment of organizational democracy in public sector organizations so that they can design the way of performing their duties and also work environment by using democratic principles in such a manner that leads to blooming and developing employees' potential abilities and also impressive presentation of products and services to the public. In the present applied-developmental research, descriptive-survey Delphi method has been used to achieve effective factors on establishment of organizational democracy and the descriptive-correlation structural equations modeling has been utilized to confirmatory factor analysis and construct validity analysis. Participants in Delphi parts included university professors and top managers of public sector organizations who were familiar to the concept of organizational democracy. Statistical universe in structural equations modeling part include staff of seven public organizations in Bushehr Province. In present study, a comprehensive study in scientific texts was taken up at first and indicators were identified and then, these indicators were put at the polls of experts. At the end, 32 indicators and 9 main dimensions were identified that are social responsiveness, shared governance, justly organizational atmosphere, organizational generosity, transparency, effective communication, culture of organizational liberalism, organizational flexibility and occupation justice.


Main Subjects

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