Document Type : Descriptive


Assistant Professor Of Public Administration, Payame Noor University,Tehran, Iran


The aim of present research is to identify indices and effective factors on virtuous organization and test the structural model of virtuous organization in selected universities of Yazd province. The procedure we proposed to reach the mentioned research aim, combined approach of quantitative-qualitative method has been used. To identify the indices of virtuous organization, Delphi method which is one of the qualitative methods, has been utilized. To test the model, quantitative method of structural equations modeling was used. In this paper, first of all, effective indices on creating virtuous organization have been extracted according to the research literature and then, it was unanimously agreed on them by making Delphi هیئت‌رئیسه and three rounds of implementing it. The obtained indices were the basis of the preparing the main questionnaire. Research statistical universe included employees of selected universities of Yazd Province. Results showed that main five factors including leadership, organizational culture, human resource, structure and processes and attention to stakeholders can be extracted by factor analysis فن the these five factors can totally explain about the 81% of the total variance of the variables. Results of the path analysis of the structural model of virtuous سازمان indicated that among the five extracted factors, organizational culture has the most direct effect on virtuous organization and the factor of attention to stakeholders allocated the first rank to itself in leading the organization towards virtuous organization in terms of total direct and indirect effect.


Main Subjects

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