Document Type : Descriptive


1 Associate Professor of Public Management, Payame Noor University.

2 Ph.D Student of Public Administration, Payame Noor University.

3 Professor of Public Management, Payame Noor University.

4 Associate Professor of Public Management, Islamic Azad University.


In a situation that business environment is becoming more dynamic and complex, creating and sustaining competitive advantage depend on innovativeness and continuous current technological improvement. The research and development of the companies are playing a very important role in this respect. Their leaders always have been facing with the challenges of how to enhance these organizations performance. Considering that, management scholars and practitioner believe that leadership, organizational culture and innovative climate are the most important factors affecting performance. A very limited study has been carried out on the combination effects of these factors on performance. So, the purpose of this paper is to fill this gap. This research is applied-developmental, and the research method is combinative. The research purpose in the first phase is survey and explorative oriented, and in the second phase is descriptive and explanative. The structural equation models are used for data analysis and approval of hypotheses. The result shows that the leadership does not have direct and meaningful impact on R&D organizational performance, because they are mediated and moderated by organizational culture and innovative climate. Therefore, leadership should avoid to directly interfering in research affaires, and they have to shape and strengthen innovative organizational culture and climate. So, they will be able to continuously improve performance and productivity of their organizations.


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