Document Type : Exploratory


1 Postdoctoral of Management, University of Tehran

2 Professor of Public Management, University of Tehran


This paper aims to make metaphor for personnel behavior of Iranian public organizations by qualitative method. In this order, two studies were constructed. In the first study, we surveyed people experiences from organizational life and behavior according phenomenology strategy. 43 people from middle managers of public organization were selected by snowball sampling method and Semi-structured interviews were performed to reach theoretical saturation. Texts of the interviews performed were categorized and encoded in units of thought and they were finally classified in theme classes according to making descriptive metaphor. In the second study,  in order to explore nature of experiential behavioral metaphor and its positive and negative main impact and particularly result validity of first study, we used Delphi technique from 7 experts included faculty members of university. The research findings explain the behavioral metaphor in the form of five behaviors: cognitive behavioral, political behavior, structural behavior, social behavior and adaptive behavior.


Main Subjects

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