Document Type : Descriptive


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This study aimed to determine the mental models of Ilam University employees about the job promotion. Research method based on purpose, nature, and data collection was applied, explorative, and descriptive survey respectively. Different mental models of employees about job promotion were recognized through Q-methodology (qualitative-quantitative). Among the employees that have a better position to improve their job rather than other employees, via snowball sampling method and based on information from the University of Ilam, nine subjects selected, interviewed by Q method, and distributed Q cards among them. According to distributed cardsm, of the 105 statements, 41 of them were identified as final statement and prioritized by the participants subsequently. Finally, Based on the findings of Q factor analysis, It was found that there are three different mental models (policy-oriented, unity oriented and justice-oriented) about job promotion among Ilam university employees. According to the final conclusion can assert that a large percentage of identified statements claims on unfair patterns of job promotion system in the organization and according to the staff mindset, policy dimension is the most effective factor in improving job promotion.


Main Subjects

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