Document Type : Descriptive


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran

2 MA in Public Administration, Islamic Azad University of S&R Branch, Shahrood, Iran


Value engineering is one of the tools to create and enhance value for goods and services that used in different fields such as industry, agriculture, education, transportation and also in the transportation and Infrastructure projects. The aim of the research is to Identify and prioritize Value Engineering index with Fuzzy Delphi Technique in Semnan Department of Transportation. This research is applied and its research method is descriptive. Because of using Fuzzy AHP for ranking alternatives, our research is a single cross-survey. In this regard, after a comprehensive literature study, 23 indicators identified and standardized questionnaire among 10 experts in the field were distributed and collected. Delphi fuzzy Utilizes and win 13 indexes higher than 0.7 were screened. The investigators then to prioritize the factors identified in an integrative approach Permutation and genetic algorithms because the problem is NP-Hard were used. Based on these findings, the index of compatibility with existing machines, information and experience in working in road construction projects are the most important variables. According to research results, index Embassy completion rate was the lowest priority.


Main Subjects

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