
1 Ph.D candidate in Business Management, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Management Department, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran


The purpose of this study is to identifying factors affecting workplace friendship. The study type is developmental and mix method. To extract factors, ethnography methodology was used. In quantitative section of this study, to approve the extracted model from qualitative section, researcher-made questionnaire was used. To identifying sample size, the structural equation modelling (5q≤ n≤ 15q) formula was used. With regard of questions of the questionnaire, 315 individual were selected for sample size and questionnaires were distributed among them. Questionnaire validity was approved with content and structural method with structural equation pattern and its reliability was approved through Cronbach alpha. Data analysis in qualitative section was done with Braun and Clarke (2006) thematic analysis. The result of qualitative section shows that individual, organizational and ultra-organizational factors affecting workplace friendship. The result of quantitative section shows that individual factors with 0.91, organizational factors with 0.21 and ultra-organizational factors with 0.5 percent affecting workplace friendship.


Main Subjects

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