Document Type : Exploratory


1 Ph.D student of public policy making, Modares University, Tehran, Iran

2 Professor of public administration, Modares University, Tehran, Iran

3 Professor of bussines administration, Modares University, Tehran, Iran

4 Assistant professor of management, Educational institution of Iranian planning and management


Public organizations as the main elements in the policy implementation process, have to collaborate with different institutional actors. According to the multi-dimensional nature of public problems, the collaboration between public organizations is the cornerstone of failure or succession of policy making and implementation. Without inter-organizational coordination, policy implementation will face to many challenges. The study aims to explore the barriers of collaboration among public organizations in Iran. Unfortunately in Iran, there are few studies which conducted about inter-organizational between public organizations, in particular, the barriers of inter-organizational in public sector. This research is carried out in a qualitative method and hope to develop the coordination methods and practical guidance for Iranian public organizations. This leads to inter-organizational coordination as a mechanism to help policy implementation in Iran. Organizational, inter-organizational, legal, administrative, political, social or cultural, environmental barriers are derived from this research.


Main Subjects

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