Document Type : Descriptive


1 Associate Prof., Payame Noor University, Department of Economics and Accounting Management

2 Payame Noor University


This study aimed to investigate the impact of customer mistreatment on Mallet Bank employees’ retaliation in Mashhad, Iran. In this regard, the impact of customer mistreatment on emotional dissonance and emotional exhaustion was investigated. Also, the influence of these variables on employee retaliation by considering the moderator role of supervisory support climate in the relationship between emotional exhaustion and employee retaliation were evaluated. This study is applicable, descriptive and analytic survey. In this respect, a questionnaire was used to collect data. Confirmatory factor analysis and Cronbach's alpha coefficient were used to assess validity and the internal consistency of the instrument, respectively. To investigate the effect of independent variables on the dependent variable, the method of structural equation modeling in AMOS software was used. Subsequently, multiple regression analysis was conducted to investigate the effect of moderator role of supervisory support climate. Findings revealed that customer mistreatment has a significant influence on both emotional dissonance and emotional exhaustion. Emotional exhaustion has a crucial effect on employees’ retaliation. On the other hand, emotional dissonance on employees’ retaliation has an insignificant impact. The moderating role of supervisory support climate in the relationship between emotional exhaustion and employee retaliation is also confirmed in this study.


Main Subjects

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