Document Type : Exploratory



The purpose of this paper is to introduce a new conception of management as "Synnovation". This term was raised against synergy. Synergy implies that the outcome of collective labor is far greater than the outcome of the work of each individual, or in a more literal sense, "the whole is greater than the sum of the components." On the basis of genius, the result of collective innovation or system innovation is more than the sum of individual innovations. The concept of synnovation emerged from analyzing textual data and theoretical sampling of the works and text of interviews of management experts and thinkers such as Gary Hamel Ralph Stacey and Tom Peters and analyzing the data obtained using the Grounded Theory. Based on this concept, the innovations of individual employees in the context of communication and collective discourse find synergic property and lead to incremental innovations, and senior management of the organization must provide the necessary platforms for the synergy of innovations and staff geniuses for the survival and continuity of life and growth and Enhancing the organization.


Main Subjects

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