Document Type : Causal


Many projects in Social Security Organization in the field of development of E-Services implemented recently but future scenario and flows ignored. The purpose of this research is to develop future scenario for development E-services of Social Security Organization in more than 10 years. The study recognized the main uncertainties in this area according GNB method and critical success factors and considering experts ideas. The population is 20 experts of social security organization. The present research is the kind of hybrid .To gathers data, questionnaire, documents survey, and expertise panel was used. To evaluate the validity and reliability of questionnaire respectively experts and Cranach’s Alpha was used. Four scenarios were extracted by define two uncertainties “public investment in case of infrastructure and human resource” and “interaction at different levels of the system” as the main axis of scripting. After defining futures and organization visions and strategy definition for access of desirable futures, turns to implementation strategies. The successful implementation of strategies depends on the strategies were understand and realize by whole personnel. The creators of BSC method introduced strategy map because the whole personnel of organization understand strategy in an overview and also in order to simplify complex processes that leads to intangible assets to become tangible and visible outputs. In the following research using DEMATEL and bases on the opinion of experts, established causal relationship between strategic goals which was classified in four perspectives of BSC and the strategy map of development of E-Services Social Security Organization was drawn.


Main Subjects

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