Document Type : Exploratory


The concept of dreams is often indirectly used in many branches of organization and management studies. Dreams are not controlled, but to some extent applicable and are the source of individual creativity to improve organizational change. Therefore, this research intends to study the guidance of employees' dream to develop human resources in governmental organizations. The purpose of this research is applied and in terms of collecting data from survey type-exploratory. The data used in this research is of a qualitative type, which was collected through interviews with experts and supervisor levels of the staff of Tehran University. The statistical sample of the study consisted of 16 experts and supervisory levels of Tehran University faculties (saturation limit) selected by snowball method. To analyze the data obtained from the interview, the theme analysis was used and finally, the four main themes of "creating dream, fostering a dream, organizing a dream and a hierarchy of dreams" were identified.


Main Subjects

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