Document Type : Exploratory


1 Assistant Professor Department of Business Management, Payamme Noor University,Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor Department of Business Management. Islamic Azad University, Ajabshirbranc, Iran

3 Ph.D. Students of Business Management, Islamic Azad University, Ajabshirbranc, Iran


Nowadays, advances in human knowledge have also influenced marketing, with the emergence of a new field called neural marketing. In this way, it is believed that the study of the biological and physical brain is the most important way to understand the behavior of the buyers of the product or service. The purpose of this study is to design a model for attracting clients with a nerve marketing approach to attract customers in the bank. To achieve this goal, qualitative methodology has been used. The process of collecting and analyzing data in three stages including open coding, axial coding and selective coding led to the selection of categories. Generally, in the coding stage, 55 open source codes were identified. In the open coding step, the data was collected through a visit to the branches of the banks, observation of various processes in providing customer service, negotiation and interviews with banking experts, managers and experts of the bank. In the central coding step, 36 concepts were formed as the concepts of research. Finally, there were 9 items in the selection process using the Farsi constant comparison of categories. In this research, the participants' viewpoints are the implementation of neural marketing and its use as a tool to increase the attraction of customers in banks.


Main Subjects

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