Document Type : Descriptive


Department of Management, Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Economics, University of Isfahan, Iran


The purpose of this research is to propose a competency-oriented performance assessment system via succession planning. It was carried out via mixed methods research. The statistical population included the experts and academic specialists in the field of human resources and senior managers of Bank Saderat Iran in the qualitative section and experts and managers at various levels of Bank Saderat in Isfahan province in the quantitative section. judgmental purposive sampling and random stratified sampling were employed in the qualitative and quantitative sections respectively. In the qualitative section, 17 persons participated in the interview and in the quantitative section, 400 persons participated as the research sample. Tools of data collection were interview and researcher self-made questionnaire. Reliability of the questionnaire was calculated equal to 0.82 and its validity was approved. Data analysis was carried out through descriptive statistics and inferential statistics including exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling. The results of the survey in the qualitative section illustrate that there are 24 components of competency-oriented performance assessment system in five dimensions including competency, foresight, flexibility, justice, and comprehensiveness. In the quantitative section, the findings showed that competency has the highest factor loading (0.92) and flexibility has the lowest factor loading (0.79) and other dimensions are in subsequent order of importance respectively. Likewise, the results disclosed that dimensions of competency-oriented performance assessment system have a positive and significant effect on establishment of succession management.


Main Subjects

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