Document Type : Descriptive


Assistant Professor of Payame Noor University


Delegation of power as a legal act in an organizational management system has an important place because it has multiple effects because it is one of the ways to decentralize in the optimal management of human resources. In fact, this can be achieved through organizational goals to empower employees, Participatory management and accountability have been achieved, organizations that are well-defined in this title and legal authority, the agility of the organization, and the satisfaction of employees and clients. Because the co-creation and participation of the organizational set-up is one of the most important effects of the conferral of authority in the field of public and administrative law and organizational management. The term "power of attorney" as a lawyer generally has a logical connection and common sense, although there are certain procedures for conferring authority in public law unlike ordinary lawyers. Hence, in administrative law, the power to delegate authority in the management system is defined by the various pillars and stages, as well as the effects of delegation of authority, can be decentralization, strengthening supervision, creating competition among employees and encouraging them and accountability.


Main Subjects

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