Document Type : Descriptive



This study examined the relationship between strategic thinkingLeadership and career plateauEmployeesin the Education Department ofChaharmahal and Bakhtiariprovince. Given the nature and purpose of this study, correlation method with descriptive design was used. Statistical sample of the research included 200 people. Data were collected. To test the hypotheses, Pearson test and inferential statistical method of linear regression were used analyze the data. The results of showed a significant relationship between the managers'' strategic thinking career plateau of the employees. Moreover, there is a significant and inverse relationship between listening to new voices by the manager and career plateau of the employees. There was a significant and reverse relationship between the creation of new interactions by the manager and career plateau of employees. There was a significant and reverse relationship between the creation of new motivation by the manager and career plateau of the employees. There was no significant and reverse relationship between the manager''s satisfaction with the new experiences and the career plateau of the employees. There was a significant and reverse relationship between the design of the new thinking framework by the manager and career plateau of the employees.


Main Subjects

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