Document Type : Descriptive


1 Faculty of Management, Azad University of Tabriz

2 Faculty Member of Islamic Azad University, Marand Branch


This research is aimed at designing an optimal human resource management model using the strategic reference point model in the ATA Airline Company. This research is in terms of target is applied research and terms of its research method is correlation descriptive and its expected results can be applied in the ATA Airline. The statistical population of this study is all the directors and senior expert of Airline Ata. According to the method used in this research, for the first time, 24 people have been selected as sample size. And the second time, the sample size will be chosen to the number that can be answered. So in this study, composite samples were used to collect information. In this research SPSS software was used to analyze the data. The results of the hypothesis test indicate that there is a meaningful relationship between the outlook and organizational values, organizational values, organizational identity, organizational vision and organizational health, and the implementation of the strategic reference points (SRP) approach in ATA.


Main Subjects

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