
1 Professor of Management, Allameh Tabatabaei University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Ph.D Condidate of Management, Allameh Tabatabaei University, Tehran, Iran.


To be democratic, transparent, and publicly-engaged are of integral qualities to administrate public affairs in modern era by the organizations. The survey suggests that at verbal stage and superficial structure, the language of governmental senior officials is close to this discourse. However, one of the key setbacks in interactions of public organizations providing public services is language hinders. This study is to characterize the discourse of public administration concerning education in between 1989- 2013 to assess the extent they concur with modern paradigm in public administration. To conduct the survey, Fairclough ‘s approach has been applied. The findings indicate that, although senior officials in Education Ministry are largely inclined to use conceptions as well as variations of modern paradigm of management, their usage is highly superficial and less genuine. In fact, what really occurs is language gaming, blurring their intentions through insisting on bureaucratic mechanism and expertization of reference language in public interactions, poor inclusiveness, and slogan-oriented approach versus practice-oriented one play the central role in their discourse


Main Subjects

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