Document Type : Exploratory


1 Ph.D Condidate of Behavioral Management, Lorestan University, Lorestan, Iran

2 Associate Professor Department of Management, Lorestan University, Lorestan, Iran

3 Assistant Professor Department of Management, Lorestan University, Lorestan, Iran


The purpose of this study is to provide a behavioral entropy pattern in the organization. This research has been carried out in the framework of qualitative approach and using the research methodology of the Foundation. Data collection tools were semi-structured interviews and interviews were conducted using a targeted sampling method with 23 senior and middle managers of Isfahan municipality and academic experts familiar with organizational issues and organizational behaviors. Data analysis was performed in three stages: open coding, axial coding and selective coding. Based on this, a qualitative research model was designed. In this model, the most important causative factors were individual, organizational and environmental factors. The main phenomenon in entropy was the behavior of organizational injustice. The underlying factors included lack of organizational transparency, inappropriate socialization, lack of comparative leadership and organizational culture. The results showed that the weakness of communication systems, the silence of managers against the hackers and the hypocritical behaviors of managers and employees are the most important factors in intervention. Based on the results of the justification, the escape rule and the non-emotional-mental conflicts are the strategies of individuals in behavioral entropy. Finally, the entropy consequences of behavior were categorized in the form of five individual, organizational, group, family, and environmental consequences.


Main Subjects

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