Document Type : Descriptive


1 Professor of Public Administration, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Public Administration, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran

3 M.A of Public Administration, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran


Reducing the politicization of administrative system has been considered as an important goal of the reforms of administrative systems. The main purpose of this article is identifying the indicators for distinction between political and administrative jobs as a solution for politicization of administrative system of Iran that recognized by State Service Management Act.
Administrative jobs are those which should change based on career and changing them based on the results of presidential election is wrong but political jobs are those that president can change their employees after presidential election. Identifying the measures for distinguishing these jobs is the purpose of this article. In this regard, at first, the indicators for distinguishing these jobs are identified based on experts viewpoints then these indicators have been set in the form of questionnaire and prioritizing for political and administrative jobs. The results show that need for: bargaining and political lobbying, considering religious and national values, and necessity of political accountability are the first three indicators for political jobs. Necessity of occupational accountability, specialization of job tasks and necessity of legal accountability are the first three indicators for administrative jobs.


Main Subjects

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