Document Type : Descriptive


1 MA Graduated Student, Business Management, Buinzahra Branch, Islamic Azad University, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Industrial Engineering, Buein Zahra Technical University, Iran


Increasing competition in the business environment and the need for integration of intra and inter-organizational, supply chain and developments in the field of information technology systems are the main factors shaping enterprise resource planning systems. These systems create integration within the organization’s operations to increase the speed and ease of business process and the possibility of continuing and providing a competitive market. Hence, the present study investigates the effect of enterprise resource planning (ERP) on agility in Iran private banks, especially Pasargad Bank in Tehran. The research subjects were 343 employees of Pasargad Bank in Tehran, which were selected using simple random sampling method and Cochran formula as a statistical sample. It is a descriptive-analytical study and an applied regarding purpose. Data were collected via the questionnaire (Aburub, 2015). In order to analyze the data have also been used Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and structural equation modeling approach was used to determine the type of data distribution. As well as, hypotheses were tested by analysis of overall model fit. The results indicate that ERP has a significant positive impact on organizational competency, flexibility, speed, accountability and agility.
Key Words: Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Agility, Organizational Agility


Main Subjects

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