Document Type : Exploratory


1 1- Ph.D Condidate of public management, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor of public management, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant Professor of Curriculum Studies, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran


The question of why some of the staff leave the organization and others remain has been challenging the minds of writers and managers for years. despite of more than 60 years have passed since the researches of staff turnover , yet these models could not explain the turnover factors exactly. To cover the shortcomings of traditional turnover models, the idea of job embeddedness was introduced in 2001, which, in spite of, over 16 years since presentation of this concept, has been neglected in indoor literature. The present study seeks to explain the job embeddedness model with the grounded theory approach at the National Iranian South Oil Company. Data collection tools were semi-structured interviews. In order to collect information, a targeted sampling method was used for interviewing 27 managers and staff that were familiar with analysis was conducted in three stages of open , axial and selective coding , using “Atlas Ti “ software .Thus , the qualitative model of research was extracted. The result of this analysis indicates extraction of more than 280 basic codes of interviews as well as 24 concept and 15 categories presented in paradigmatic model. On the basis of this model , managers should try to pursue their own responsibilities in the community and shall have an influential element of social welfare and social culture through extensive social interaction .otherwise, day after day, there will see an outflow of staff turnover.


Main Subjects

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