
Assistant Professor Department of Management, Lorestan University, Tehran, Iran.


This study has been done with the goal of surveying good governing on Iran's political culture. Good governing has a specific role in development of a country, especially in state management scope. On the other hand, some of political culture factors empower fundamental parameters in establishing necessary structures for development, especially Shiite political culture. The main parameters of the political culture of Islam have increased the procedure of participation and justice, especially after Islamic revolution in Iran. For this reason, this survey research took place to Pierson Correlation test for a society of 115 people from the organization of academic Quran activities in Iran; moreover the tools of research is questionnaire in which its justifiability and durability has been confirmed. The result of research confirmed the relationship between good governing and political culture. Using appropriate paradigm of good governing along with powering positive dimension of political culture like Shiite culture is one of the main ways of establishing good culture and decreasing the negative impacts of some political culture aspects. Therefore, empowering Shiite cultural institution like mosque, Ashura, religious customs and tradition of remembering of martyrs; in addition, stress on necessary of planning for realization of dimensions of good governing in state management, can lead to decreasing negative impacts of tribal culture in the organization.


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