Document Type : Exploratory


1 Ph.D Candidate of Department of Management, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Associate Professor of Department of Management, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.

3 Professor of Department of Management, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.

4 Department of Management, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran


Decision making is one of the most important activities in all organizations, and in the meantime, it is more important in innovative and knowledge-based firms due to the lack of structure and resources on the one hand and the impact of decisions on the organization on the other. The business environment generally has many uncertainties, and this uncertainty about start-ups and technology-based businesses is much deeper. Deciding in this uncertain environment has limitations that make many technologists unconsciously use intuition in decision making. The purpose of this study was to study the descriptive process of intuitive decision making in technology and knowledge-based companies. Given the nature of the intuition, the method used in this research was qualitative (Grounded Theory) and based on the analysis of interviews. The results suggest that there is sufficient evidence that the decision-makers of knowledge-based companies use intuition in the uncertainty environment, and that information and time are the causative factors causing uncertainty. In addition, it was found that experience and intuitions are inextricably linked, and the mental patterns and curiosity of the variables associated with them. Unstable environment of business also play the role of the underlying factor of intuitive decision making. Increasing the speed of decision making, creativity and reducing feelings of regret from positive outcomes and increasing decision errors are also the negative consequences of the use of intuition.


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