
Ph.D in Business Management, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran.


The purpose of this study is description and understand an idiomatic training course but competitive that name is branch advanced course. The course is performing in the military unit. To observe security issues, in this study the name of that unit was not mentioned. The type of study is developmental and to extract factors, ethnography methodology that is a qualitative method was used. Sample population is among a military unit that this course perform in it. Data were selected via 23 military man interviews. They had tendency for dialogue and interview. Also the researcher observed the daily interaction of those employees for data collecting process and writes that interaction specification instantly. Researcher was immersed in that field because, he is graduated from that course. Data were saturated according to sample size. Braun and Clarke (2006) thematic analysis was used for data analyzing. After initial analysis, 12 initial codes were generated. These codes were categorized to two general factors. These general factors were individual and social factors that are outcome of training competition. The individual factors have 6 codes. The social factors have 6 codes. After thematic analysis, thick description was presented about competition and 12 themes shows itself in individual and social categories.


Main Subjects

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