Document Type : Exploratory


1 Ph.D Candidate, Department of Human Resource Management, University of Tehran, Farabi campus, Qom, Iran.

2 Professor, Department of public Administration, University of Tehran, Farabi Campus, Qom, Iran.

3 Assistant Professor, Department of public Administration, University of Tehran, Farabi Campus, Qom, Iran.


Scientific researches carried out on knowledge management have been more focused on the process of creating, sharing, and using the knowledge of organizations; however, little attention has been paid to “forgetting”. While in today’s dynamic environment, all organizations need to change, revise, and in most cases, discard the old methods of doing their work. This article attempted to present a comprehensive model of effective factors, mechanisms, and the consequences of organizational forgetting, applying content analysis and conducting semi-structured interviews with the managers of the city hall of “Qom City” and a number of academic elites in organizational learning and knowledge management. The effective factors of intentional organizational forgetting have been divided into three categories of individual, organizational, and environmental. Although these categories have some commonalities with the previous other researches, some factors in individual, environmental, and strategic forgetting have been studied for the first time in this regard. All the measures taken in performing intentional forgetting, and signs of the existence of this phenomena in the organization have been provided in order to facilitate their assessment in the second step and the final consequences of performing intentional forgetting. The consequences have also been categorized according to individuals, organizations, and clients.


Main Subjects

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