Document Type : Causal


1 Ph.D. Associate Professor of public administration of Payame Noor University,Tehran, Iran.

2 Ph.D. candidate of public administration of Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran.


This research aims to provide a comparative study on the structure and functioning of Payame Noor University with open universities abroad and to know about similarities and differentiate them in order to design the optimal structure in the future. The research method of this study is a comparative study method that has been studied by the Payam Noor University and five open universities in the world (England, Canada, Malaysia, China and Indonesia) based on components and indicators of structure and operation. All universities studied use open and distance education. The Open University of China, due to its high population, has the largest number of students, and equally has the largest number of staff and faculty. In this comparison, the UK University ranked 313 in the world's best position, and then the Payame Noir University of Iran ranked second in the study. : In terms of the structure of Payam Noor University, it has a hybrid structure. But other open universities studied more than two-part structure. Payam Noor University, with a high degree of recognition, has relative concentration and complexity compared with five open universities. All universities have more organizational agility than Payam Noor University, given the number of centers, faculty and staff, staff ratios, and levels of hierarchy. Therefore, it is suggested that the design of a desirable structure be tailored to the needs of the university in line with its mission and objectives and tasks.


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