Document Type : Descriptive


Professor, Department of Public Administration, Payame Noor University, Iran


The aim of this study is to provide an overview of the different situations and dimensions of public administration in Iran and to help guide future research on filling the gap in previous research in this area. In this case, 279 doctoral theses defended between 2011 and 1396 were reviewed and reviewed at 6 public universities in the country and with online access. The research methodology is qualitative in terms of its purpose and descriptive method. The research methodology of the group consists of 24 leading faculty members in the major universities of the country with associate professors and professors. The results of the reviewed articles were evaluated based on criteria such as the subject of research, method and tool of data collection, data analysis method, in this paper. The results show that most of the researches in the 26% of the studies are of a structural type, 34% of the type of behavior, 12% of the environmental type, 24% of the combination type and 4% of the form of three branches. In the researches, 86% of the titles used a qualitative and qualitative method for collecting data and a 1% questionnaire was used only qualitatively and the remainder was used only for quantitative methods. The result is a deep divide between the results of the doctoral dissertation and the lack of a doctrine and the theory of research.


Main Subjects

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