Document Type : Descriptive


1 Assistant Professor of Department Management, Payam Noor University, Tehrn, Iran

2 MSc.Social Security, Tabriz, Iran.


The present study aims to analysis of the effect of spiritual leadership on organizational performance through organizational identity. By reviewing the research literature, 26 components of spiritual leadership and 18 components of organizational identity were identified as factors affecting organizational performance and then was designed the conceptual framework of the research. Through survey and referring to the statistical sample of 265 managers and experts of the Social Security Organization of East Azerbaijan province, the required data were collected using a questionnaire. The conceptual framework was presented and validation by collecting empirical data and structural equation modeling. Investigating the models of measurement and analysis of factor loads showed that the components of spiritual leadership had the most impact on organizational performance. Also, studying structural model of research and path analysis revealed that there is a strong correlation between spiritual leadership variables with organizational identity and spiritual leadership. The simultaneous analysis of factors influencing organizational performance by structural equation method showed that the components of "spiritual leadership" had the greatest impact on organizational performance. The results of the analysis of path coefficients and the values of the coefficient of determination of R2 showed that the "spiritual leadership" variable directly explained 79.3% of the changes related to the variable "organizational performance". Also, "spiritual leadership" indirectly affects the variable "organizational performance" by means of an intermediate variable "organizational identity" of 34 percent.


Main Subjects

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